Estate Planning in Colorado
Estate Planning Is One of the Most Important Tasks You Will Complete During Your Lifetime
Simply put, estate planning is an act of love. It gives you the flexibility to ensure your loved ones are supported and cared for no matter what. We offer estate planning services in Colorado and would be thrilled to help you get everything in order.
The most common reasons people delay estate planning are:
- They think they don’t have sufficient assets to justify the preparation of estate planning documents.
- They think they cannot afford the legal costs involved.
- They simply do not want to think about such a difficult topic.
Believe it or not, you can leverage estate planning services at any point in time. In fact, waiting to do so can result in unhappy consequences for you and your family, should you become disabled or pass away. Even individuals with little financial assets benefit from basic estate planning documents. Let our caring estate tax attorney prepare these essential documents for you regardless of where you’re at in your life.
So, what documents do you need? Generally, an estate tax lawyer will include the following basic documents in your package:
- Will
- Financial Power of Attorney
- Medical Power of Attorney
- HIPAA Release
- Living Will (if applicable)
- Organ Donation (if applicable)
If you have children, you will likely want to include:
- A Trust or a Contingent Trust
- A Guardian Designation
A will is the central part of any strategy for estate planning in Colorado and elsewhere in the country. This document allows you to direct who will receive various assets of your estate and who manages your estate. A will also allows you to name a legal guardian for any children who are still minors. Based on this information, a will may be the most important legal document you ever sign. Without a will, state laws and a judge may decide who receives your property and cares for your children, respectively. If you want to make this vital decision sooner rather than later, you will need to set up your will/estate plan as soon as possible with an estate tax attorney in Colorado.
Financial Power of Attorney
Financial power of attorney allows you to name the person who makes all of your financial decisions currently and/or during a time of incapacity (durable). By specifically picking someone today to make these decisions, you help eliminate controversy and stress in the future. You also avoid the costly and lengthy legal process of having a court make these decisions.
Medical Power of Attorney
Medical power of attorney appoints an individual to make medical decisions on your behalf if you cannot make these decisions for yourself. If you don’t have a medical power of attorney document (also sometimes referred to as a “health care proxy”), the decision automatically goes to your spouse. If you are unmarried, then the decision goes to adult children, parents, or other parties that a judge deems appropriate. Plan today so you, and not anyone else, can make the right decisions concerning your future healthcare in Colorado.
HIPAA Release
Congress promulgated the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, also known as HIPAA, in 1996 to protect your private health information. The act prohibits healthcare providers from releasing your healthcare information unless you have provided an executed HIPAA release form. Without this form, your healthcare providers are legally prohibited from disclosing your medical information to anyone who is not directly involved in your care. Make sure you have all the necessary legal forms in your estate plan in Colorado now to avoid potential problems in the future.
Organ Donation
Many clients say they have indicated their desire to donate organs via the symbol on their driver’s license. The referenced symbol evidences a desire. The surviving family, however, may still make the ultimate determination. By signing a specific document memorializing your desire, you clearly and legally evidence your intent. The donor has the ability to decide for what purpose and which organs to apply the donation request.
There are many details to each document, and many details regarding your overall estate, including taxes. Being prepared and educated, you can make your wishes known. Talking to your loved ones also remains important in the planning process. Please do not delay in setting an appointment with our office so that we can discuss these important issues and create a detailed, yet affordable, estate plan for you and your family members.
Living Will
A living will spells out which specific medical treatments you do or do not want in the case of a medical situation that leaves you in a “terminal” condition. A living will may also address other major medical choices, such as whether or not to resuscitate, or whether or not the signor wants artificial respiration.

Show Them Just How Much You Care.
Packages For Estate Planning in Colorado
Avoid Probate
$3,250(individual) |
$3,750(couple) |
- Pour-Over Will
- Living Will
- Durable Medical Power of Attorney
- Durable General Power of Attorney
- Memorandum Distributing Personal Property
- Memorandum Concerning Disposition of Final Remains
- Revocable Living Trust
- Certification of Trust
- HIPAA Authorizations
- In-Office Execution*
Most Popular
I'm a Parent
$3,900(individual) |
$4,400(couple) |
Choose One of These:
- Pour-over Will with Revocable Living Trust
- Will with Contingent Trust
You Also Get...
- Living Will
- Guardian Designations
- Parental Delegation of Powers
- Durable Medical Power of Attorney
- Durable General Power of Attorney
- Memorandum Distributing Personal Property
- Memorandum Concerning Disposition of Final Remains
- HIPAA Authorizations
- In-Office Execution*
Custom Pricing
First, Choose One of These:
- Simple Will
- RLT with Pour-Over Will
- Will with Contingent Trust
- Marital Deduction Will
- Pour-Over Will
Then, Add One of These:
- Special Needs Trust
- Revocable Marital Deduction Trust
- Revocable Disclaimer Trust
- Joint Trust
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust
- 2503(c) Trust
- S-Corp Stock Planning
- Business Succession Plan & Coordination with Company Documents
You Also Get...
- Living Will
- Guardian Designations
- Parental Delegation of Powers
- Durable Medical Power of Attorney
- Durable General Power of Attorney
- Memorandum Distributing Personal Property
- Memorandum Concerning Disposition of Final Remains
- HIPAA Authorizations
- In-Office Execution*
- VIP Concierge Suite Included (see below)
In-Office Execution: 2 Witnesses, Notary, & Attorney-Supervised Signing.
VIP Concierge Suite
(Included with Dynasty Package)
- Expedited Drafting
- Appointments in 24 Hours (excludes document signing meeting)
- Basic email & phone support concerning document contents during the first year.
Creating A Trust?
Optimize Your Investment With Ongoing Estate Planning Support
Trust Consultation & Estate Planning Services
Funding & Support
- 10% Off First-year Trust Tax Return
- Deeds to Trust
- Assistance with Life Insurance & Other Account Coordination
- Trust Registration & Beneficiary Notification
- Support From Tax Attorney During First Year to Assist Funding Trust(s)
Everything in the Funding & Support Package, PLUS...
- Gifting Strategy and Implementation
- Charitable Giving Strategy and Implementation
- Dedicated Planning & Implementation for Specific Important Assets
- Dedicated Planning & Implementation for Special Situations
- Coordination with Financial Planners and other Key Advisors