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Who’s Doing Your Business Bookkeeping?

If you’re doing your own bookkeeping or paying someone who isn’t fully competent in financial records and compliance to do the books for you, chances are your books are inaccurate, outdated, or both. This can result in trouble with cash flow and forecasting and may create a lot of headaches at tax time – not to mention eating up YOUR precious time. You can simplify the process by investing in our monthly bookkeeping packages for small and medium-sized businesses.

Fusion Legal & Tax’s bookkeeping department will ensure your books are not only up to date and accurate, but also prepared in compliance with IRS and state regulations.

This department benefits from in-house CPA and tax attorney oversight and input – something you will not find anywhere else.
Save time, reduce stress, and enjoy peace of mind with our monthly bookkeeping packages for small and medium-sized businesses at Fusion Legal & Tax.

Businesswoman puts hands behind leaned on chair looking into distance

We Handle Bookkeeping For Clients In Most Industries

  • Real Estate Investors (Commercial & Residential)
  • Property Management Companies
  • Medical Offices
  • IT Service Providers
  • Small Business Owners for Nearly Any Industry

Clean Books. More Time.

Precision Monthly Bookkeeping Packages


$299* monthly

  • Quarterly Tax Estimates Starting at $300/quarter**
  • Quickbooks
  • 2 Bank Accounts/Credit Cards/Classes
  • 50 Max Transactions
  • Monthly Bookkeeping
  • Quarterly Financial Reports
  • Unlimited Email/Phone Support
  • Year-End Depreciation & Other AJE’s
  • Payroll Reconciliation
  • Year-End Tax Savings Checklist
  • Review Chart of Accounts

Most Popular


$399* monthly

  • Quarterly Tax Estimates Starting at $300/quarter**
  • Quickbooks
  • 4 Bank Accounts/Credit Cards/Classes
  • 100 Max Transactions
  • Monthly Bookkeeping
  • Quarterly Financial Reports
  • Unlimited Email/Phone Support
  • Year-End Depreciation & Other AJE’s
  • Payroll Reconciliation
  • Year-End Tax Savings Checklist
  • Review Chart of Accounts


$699* monthly

  • Quarterly Tax Estimates Starting at $300/quarter**
  • Quickbooks
  • 6 Bank Accounts/Credit Cards/Classes
  • 200 Max Transactions
  • Monthly Bookkeeping
  • Monthly Financial Reports
  • Unlimited Email/Phone Support
  • Year-End Depreciation & Other AJE’s
  • Payroll Reconciliation
  • Year-End Tax Savings Checklist
  • Review Chart of Accounts
  • Business Change Monitoring
  • 1099 Preparation (up to 20)


Custom Price*

  • Quarterly Tax Estimates Starting at $300/quarter**
  • Quickbooks
  • Monthly Bookkeeping
  • Monthly Financial Reports
  • Unlimited Email/Phone/ In-Person Support
  • Year-End Depreciation & Other AJE’s
  • Payroll Reconciliation
  • Year-End Tax Savings Checklist
  • Review Chart of Accounts
  • Business Change Monitoring
  • 1099 Preparation
  • Quarterly Cash Flow Analysis
Initial Set-Up Fee For All Packages $1299

Questions? Call Now!

Unlimited Email/Phone/In-Person Support includes bookkeeper support, only.
Quickbooks – Ask us about online vs. desktop.
*Interested in saving 5-20% off your bookkeeping package? Find out how by clicking HERE!

**Pricing is on a per-estimate, per quarter basis. Prices vary, depending upon complexity. The quarterly tax estimate fee(s) can be paid in one lump sum up front or prorated and rolled into your monthly bookkeeping package fee. Want your quarterly tax estimates included AND a discount on monthly bookkeeping? Check out our Empowerment Tax packages HERE

The professionals at Fusion Legal & Tax are committed to providing our clients with a unique bookkeeping experience. We have found that traditional bookkeeping programs typically lack in tax expertise and IRS compliance. Our financial records department is overseen by on-staff tax attorneys and CPAs, which translates to a tax compliance and know-how. You will have our support 12 months a year. As your business grows, our in-house professionals stand ready to help with additional tax planning and advisory services that may contribute to greater success. Timely communication between the bookkeeping and tax departments is seamless when both services are handled under one roof, removing the burden of our clients having to play the go-between with their bookkeeper and CPA.

Get the Certainty You Deserve.

Call Now